Post Executive Committee Meeting
Charles Johnson House 404 Atlanta St, Austin, TX, United StatesThis is the monthly Executive Committee Meeting. It is open to officers and Executive Committee Members of Post 76.
Veterans Support Organization in Austin Texas
This is the monthly Executive Committee Meeting. It is open to officers and Executive Committee Members of Post 76.
All members are encouraged to attend. This is the meeting where members discuss and vote on important matters affecting Post 76.
Today the Daughters of the American Revolution will be performing their yearly in-service day at the Charles Johnson house planting flowers and helping clean up the property.
This is a dinner and social meeting. All members and their spouses are invited. There is no cost for the dinner, but members are encouraged to bring a covered dish. Guests begin arriving at 6:30 p.m.
This is the monthly Executive Committee Meeting. It is open to officers and Executive Committee Members of Post 76.
All members are encouraged to attend. This is the meeting where members discuss and vote on important matters affecting Post 76.
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